Other Letters
“But he made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men” (Philippians 2:7).
Humility and servanthood are seen as weakness by many cultures around the world. But in the Lord’s eyes, it’s a beautiful thing.
That’s why Brother Andrew was so excited to see Brother Jag – a community leader of high esteem who was used to being served, not serving others – washing dishes at a leadership training seminar put on by a Nepal gospel center!
Brother Jag humbled himself and took on the task of a servant after years of being the “big man” among his tribal group. And workers at the seminar recognized this for what it was: a miracle.
2019 JUNE

This gospel center is a church planting ministry that offers a variety of training programs. Two years ago, AIM helped them start their Bible training program that, at that time, had only seven students. They not only learned how to be missionaries, they were also taught vocational skills so they’d be able to support their families and themselves. And now, it is one of the most effective ministries in Nepal!
“With your partnership, we have been able to provide Christian Leadership Training to 94 emerging church leaders,” writes Brother Andrew. “Held once a year for 10 weeks, a combination of classroom learning and practical ministry has produced many servant leaders. Of the 94 people you have enabled us to train, 75 are serving their local congregation and their neighbors, even if that
means washing dishes!”
Young women gather to learn how to live lives worthy of their calling at a seminar put on by this center. And it is doing much more. Just recently, 128 young women were able to attend a “God’s Effective Agents” seminar, thanks to support from AIM.
“I am blessed by this seminar,” writes 17-year-old Pabirtra. “I was challenged to build a strong foundation of faith in the Lord Jesus through His Word. The panel of speakers, all women, with many years of experience serving their family, church, missions and business, exhorted us to live lives worthy of our calling wherever God has placed us. Thank You for making it possible for me to attend!”
Next up on the calendar is a women leaders conference for which 150 women ministry leaders are expected to attend. They will be focusing on 2 Timothy.
“Please pray that this will be a time of blessing and learning for the participants, teachers and translators (all women) and organizers,” writes Brother Andrew.
Plus, 16 pastors will soon be graduating from their 30-month training course. They have put their heart and soul into this class, and endured many hardships. “Many of the students are bi-vocational ministers who make a living by owning a small business and contract farming,” writes Brother Andrew. “I remember at one training a pastor almost lost a newly born litter of 12 piglets because the sow was sick. As soon as he heard the news, he borrowed a motorcycle, rode five hours to get home at 11 that night, dragged a veterinarian out of bed, gave the sow some injections and was back in class by 10 the next morning.”
The dedication of these men and women is incredible, and they need our ongoing prayers and support.
To find out more about the church planting and Christian training work being done by this indigenous gospel center, please contact us.