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Assisting Indigenous Ministries International


AIM is a U.S.-based mission board that seeks out, evaluates, and supports native (indigenous) ministries throughout the world that are reaching the unreached with the Gospel and fulfilling the Great Commission in Matthew 24:14. We support these indigenous ministries through financial assistance and advocacy, supplying them with the tools they need to carry out their God-given visions to reach their own people with the Good News of Jesus Christ.


AIM links local churches and individuals in the United States with over 50 indigenous missionary organizations that work primarily in the 10/40 window. These organizations represent thousands of missionaries on the front lines of world evangelism who are taking the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to those who have never heard.


We are the connection between the overseas ministries and God’s people here so both can take part in fulfilling the Great Commission. We also provide a headquarters for ministries that have their own established support base. We handle their accounting, tax receipting, and their mailings so they can focus on doing the work God has called them to do.



Reaching the Unreached through Indigenous Ministries
We seek to:
  • Support indigenous ministries with the funds and resources they need, giving priority to those reaching the unreached in lands of great poverty and persecution where foreign missionaries are not allowed.

  • Advocate for native ministries as they labor with limited resources.

  • Provide opportunities for God’s people here to give and be a part of global missions.


Why Indigenous Missions

Before Christ ascended into heaven, He commanded His followers to “go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). The message they proclaimed took root in many hearts, and over the centuries believers continued to spread the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire, across Europe, and eventually into the Americas. Western missionaries were sent to distant lands in Africa and Asia to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with those who had never heard.


Today, there are millions of men, women, and children who remain unreached with the message of God’s love. The vast majority of these unreached people groups are based in the Indian sub-continent.


Because of past colonialism, many people in South Asia and other parts of the world identify Christianity as the religion of the “white people” who conquered them. Christianity is viewed as a foreign religion.


But when native people share the Gospel with their own countrymen, it is no longer foreign. Most indigenous ministries send missionaries to plant churches in their own regions, where they speak the language or dialect, know the culture, and understand the most effective way to present the Gospel.


In some tribal cultures, these missionaries will use storytelling techniques to share about Christ. In others, they will educate and provide loving care to orphaned or abandoned children. Some missionaries will set up small businesses so they can live and work among those whom they are trying to reach.


All of this is accomplished at a fraction of the cost of sending Western missionaries.


How We Support Indigenous Missions

Most ministries that support native (indigenous) missions adhere to a Western missions model, meaning they hire native missionaries to carry out their organization’s vision. In contrast, AIM does not seek to control the work of native missions. Rather, we support their individual vision by supporting them financially while they remain entirely independent.


In today’s world, indigenous workers are effectively reaching their own people with the Gospel. When the Lord calls them, they do not wait for financial support. They begin with whatever resources they have. Most of these workers have no fundraising knowledge or experience. They depend on God to provide for the work He has given to them.


Before AIM recommends any ministry for support, a thorough evaluation and on-site visits are conducted. We understand the importance of accountability, and we hold these ministries to the highest standards through frequent communication, written reports of their work, and periodic trips to the field.


Financial Accountability

We are committed to being faithful stewards of our resources and strive to be transparent in our financial practices. We welcome your inquiries at any time.


We believe our responsibility is to be strong advocates for indigenous ministries, present their needs before God’s people, and then trust the Holy Spirit to touch the hearts of those He chooses to respond and give.


All funds received for any appeal will be applied to that purpose, with 5% retained to cover operating costs or as directed by the donor. If receipts exceed a stated goal, those funds will be applied to a similar need. At the same time, unsolicited funds will be forwarded 100 percent to the designated overseas ministry.


AIM is a faith-based mission that relies on God to provide for operational expenses, including wiring fees, credit card charges, printing and mailing costs, receipting, etc.  As the Lord leads you to give, we appreciate any additional amount you can contribute toward these expenses, so we can continue to be a channel of blessing to those on the front lines.

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