Assisting Indigenous Ministries
“I have been distributing tracts and Bibles, spreading the message of hope and faith among those who don’t know our Lord.”
Understanding the importance
AIM seeks to equip ministry partners with vital tools like Bibles so they can proclaim the Light of the World, Jesus Christ, to rescue souls from spiritual darkness.
Indigenous missionaries rely on the Word of God in their teachings. Through our experience with indigenous missions, we have learned that having access to the Bible in the indigenous language is key for the spiritual development of new believers. There is a New Testament in many native languages and the ability to put such a Bible in the hands of new and prospective believers will significantly enhance the effectiveness of missionaries working among unreached peoples groups. Bibles in the Urdu, Hindi, Nepali, Bengali, and Burmese languages are currently in print and are greatly needed in the harvest fields.
Other Christian literature, including booklets, books, pamphlets and more, enable pastors and missionaries to disciple new believers to help them grow in their walk and become effective in sharing their new faith with family and friends. The literature also helps reach unbelievers who are not yet ready to read the Bible. Plus, we will be distributing concordances to ministry and regional leaders to aid in their Bible studies. In the photo at right, a police officer in Pakistan learns about the Lord by reading a Bible printed in his native language.
5,000 Bibles (Bengali, Burmese, Hindi, Nepali and Urdu) at $6 each = $30,000.00
100 Concordances $10 each = $1,000.00
4,650 pieces of Christian Literature (books, pamphlets, etc.) at $3 each = $13,950
Project Cost : $44,950
The ministries we work with in South and Southeast Asia have already had a great impact on the lives of believers and non-believers alike. Here are a few testimonies from native missionaries and pastors we support who are bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to a hurting world:
"Durga Puja is a significant Hindu celebration ... one of the most important and commonly embraced festivals in India ... a time for family gatherings, feasting, and partying, making it a cherished and eagerly awaited event throughout the state. During this festive season, our team seized the opportunity to distribute gospel literature, tracts, and the New Testament. Despite the challenges, we successfully executed this mission. We trust that anyone who reads these words will be brought nearer to Christ.” (India)
“God used the Potohar women's team, who gave 250 books of the Gospel of John to non-Christians and 100 readers into the hands of Christians. In addition, an evangelistic team from Faisalabad joined the Potohar women's team and distributed the Holy Bibles in Rawalpindi, Islamabad. Three hundred regular and 200 large print Bibles for the visually impaired and older people were handed
over.” (Pakistan)
“During the last three months, I have distributed 120 gospel tracts,
24 New Testaments, and 4 Kitabul Mukaddus (Holy Bibles).” (India)
“I distributed about 100 New Testaments and tracts.” (India)
“But there are those who still reject my preaching. To those who reject me, I just handed gospel tracts to them and prayed for them.” (Myanmar)
“During the past three months, we were able to distribute more than 300 gospel tracts.” (Myanmar)
“I have been distributing tracts and Bibles, spreading the message of hope and faith among those who don’t know our Lord.” (India)
“We have distributed 150 gospel tracts in Muslim version.” (Bangladesh)
“God helped me to distribute 500 gospel tracts and 100 New Testaments. Also 17 (Holy Bibles) were provided to new believers.” (India)
“300 regular Bibles and 200 large print Bibles for the visually impaired and the elderly were handed over to the people.” (Pakistan)
As you can see, our co-laborers in the harvest field are working hard to reach the lost with the Truth, such as this Hindu shopkeeper (photo at right) who is reading a New Testament he was given by one of AIM International’s partners. But there are millions more who are still waiting to hear the Word of God! That’s why we need to redouble our efforts to raise the funds needed to put the Bible and Christian literature in the hands of every believer and seeker in South and Southeast Asia.
This project will mobilize missionaries to reach the lost!
Bangladesh: The population is 1.72 million, and 92.9% are considered unreached with the gospel. Islam,
with 90%, is the largest religion in this country.
India: There are over 1.4 billion people in India, and 90% have never heard the gospel. The largest religion is Hinduism. Over 80.1% (1.1 billion people) identify as Hindu.
Myanmar: Over 45 million people, which is 83.3% of the population in Myanmar, have yet to hear the Good News. Buddhism is the largest religion with nearly 78% of the people following this pagan religion.
Nepal: 88.9% of the population of Nepal is considered unreached. That amounts to 27.3 million people who have not heard the gospel yet. The largest religion is Hinduism (81.4%).
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mail to PO Box 4428, Charlottesville, VA 22905.
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